home kantina art sketch extras


[about me]

29 april 2024

good evening!

added some new art to the [art] tab. just two assignments that i finished recently. most of the stuff i'm doing is for school, so it's a little boring, but oh well. i don't really have time for anything else!

from now on i'm going to be scanning all sketchbook pages, so i'll probably upload them in big chunks instead of only a few at a time. i bought a new sketchbook recently and i'm trying some new things with it, so hopefully you guys will like it when i finally upload it!

11 april 2024

hello all.

quick update that is pretty obvious if you're on this page. i finally added an [about me] page, something that's been missing from here for a while. it just has a little info about me and a couple Q&A questions. if you're interested, check it out!

i tried really hard to think of some good Q&A questions, but i can't tell if it's anything that anyone would actually care about. so if you've got any burning questions, feel free to email me at ammodogbusiness@gmail.com. if it's a good question i'll add it to the page.

you can also use that email for business inquiries, to send me fanart, or to send me pictures of you standing on a toilet. if i get enough, maybe i'll make a toilet stand page, but only if you're good!

RIGHT. i also increased the font size a little bit. i was squinting at my screen so i figured i should do something about that. i don't want to make my eyesight even worse. or yours.

31 march 2024

hey there! quick little update for today.

most notable changes are the switch from the 'comics' tab to just a [kantina] tab. this is because robot rodeo (my other comic) has been put on the back burner. kantina is my main focus right now, and it's what everyone wants to see anyway, right?

robot rodeo may have it's comeback in due time, but for now, it's just kantina. the other update is the switch from the pdfs tab to the [extras] tab. i realized i didn't have a proper place for my videos, so they'll be included there from now on. you can watch them on-site, or click the link to the side to go to my youtube channel as always. but i made cute gifs for the site so you should check it out here regardless ;)

i have more housekeeping to do in the future. it's been over a year since i learned how to code, and a lot of my old code is very sloppy! there's a lot of cleaning up to do, which i will get to very soon. for now, i want to make this site as cool and easy to use as possible. expect future updates in the coming weeks, and hopefully some new kantina content too.

speaking of kantina content, there may be purchasable items in the near future... keep an eye out!

22 march 2024

yikes... it's been nine months since i last updated the site!!!

major apologies for neglecting this place... i guess i've just been busy. but i have good news. i've been dusting off the cobwebs, slowly but surely. most notably, the [art tab] has been revamped a bit.

i separated all the art from last year into a different tab. i'll start to do that every year, sort of like the sketch tab (which will also be dusted off soon). also, each new piece has a sidebar with relevant information about the piece, including date, materials, and a little bit about it. so far everything in there has been things i've made for school, but hopefully i'll be able to put some personal stuff up soon.

another important update is now, when you click on a piece on it's own page, it will bring you to a separate page where you can enlarge the image. this honestly should have been implemented a long time ago, so i'm glad i finally got around to doing it.

smaller things include... when you hover over a link it no longer turns orange. links are always surrounded by brackets so i figured it wasn't necessary. what else... all kantina art will be featured on the kantina page instead of the art or sketch tab. it'll just keep things a little more organized.

so far that's all i've got. just some small quality of life things. oh, before i forget. part two of ammodog goes to art school will be made after this summer instead of after this spring. this is because i'm taking a summer quarter at school! so although you'll have to wait a little longer, it will have more content. and BETTER content.

anywho. hope you had a good holiday season (weird saying that in march), good new year, etc. i promise i'll continue updating this graveyard of a site.

7 june 2023

big update! big update!

the about tab has been changed to the [pdfs] tab, and will house any pdfs i make in the future. for now, it only holds the first volume of 'ammodog goes to art school', where i detail all the art i made in my classes for my freshman year of college! click the cover to the right to download and take a look.

if you're interested in going to art school and want to see what sort of things i get up to, or are just curious, i think you should take a look. :]

15 april 2023

hi there. long time no see!

pretty big update today, since i haven't updated for a while. if you're wondering where all the old sketch pages went, they've been archived into a handy [downloadable pdf] which includes everything posted here as well as some extras and director's commentary.

along with that, some new sketch pages have been posted from my current sketchbook, and two new art pieces on the art tab.

this summer, i plan on archiving all my old sketchbooks into pdfs, as i've probably mentioned before. its a lot of work so it might take some time, but it'll be worth it.

in the meantime, i'm working on a kantina special for hitting 1000 followers on instagram. it's a surprise, so i won't say anything except... thank you for your continued support! :]

17 january 2022


i updated the sketch page so there are six new sketches, including a quick animation of a new kantina character named [jeremy].

once this sketchbook is finished (which may be a bit yet... i'm about three quarters done. maybe five eighths.) it will be archived and the page will only show images from the next sketchbook. i hope that makes sense.

28 december 2022


there are two new cartoons on my youtube channel. check em out!

12 december 2022


there's [new art] on the art page, as well as some [kantina fanart.] i've posted a pdf of my first real sketchbook ever, which you can download on the [sketch page.] i have about thirteen sketchbooks to put up, so it'll be a while until they're all available. until then, enjoy my art from when i was eleven years old. :]

there will be a special kantina christmas special. get excited.

27 november 2022

good evening!

happy late thanksgiving if you celebrate. again i don't have much to show... here's a [naota] from quite a while ago!

this wednesday the pdf for november will be released here on the front page. i've also been working on compiling my old sketchbooks into pdfs to share on the site. this is nervewracking... and embarrassing! but i like looking at people's old art. there's a lot to learn from it. so i'm sure you guys will enjoy it too. :]

ther's also [new art] on the art tab of piranha and cube from jet set radio. probably my most colorful piece this year.

also... thank you for 4.5k views on my site. :]

13 november 2022

hi there. early update to let you all know that a very short youtube video has been posted showing my digital painting process. you can find it [here] or watch below. i may or may not post youtube videos in the future, and if i do, they will be few and far between, but it's worth looking at anyway.

9 november 2022

good afternoon!

i don't have much in the way of art to show this week... i've been very busy with these last couple assignments of the quarter. i do have this [sketchbook spread] of some vegetables featuring my thumb.

i've been thinking more about the robot rodeo plot recently and i think you guys are really going to like it... but for now kantina is taking precedence since it's been in production longer. over winter break i'll be making some pages for kantina, although they'll probably be side stories and not anything plot-related since i still need to write it all out. but progress is progress!

also... thank you for 3.6k views on my site. :]

2 november 2022

the site is now LIVE... although not completed.

the important stuff is here. the art page, sketch page, about page, and most of the comic pages are available for human eyes to view. the site will be continually updated until the end of time, so this is certainly not the final iteration of what i have to show you.

on this homepage i'll post little updates on the side bar as i finish them, and then monthly large chunk written updates in this section (and exclusive art. today we have [chameal].) every month a pdf of what i've done that month will be released here too, and don't worry, they'll stay available even after the month is over.

also... thank you for 2.5k views on my site. :]





(15.5.2023) ironed out some technical issues

(12.4.2022) sketchbook zero is available on the sketch tab

(11.27.2022) new art on the art tab

(11.23.2022) smith now has outfits.

(11.3.2022) new art on the art tab

(11.2.2022) the site is now live. update posted and unfinished pages have been blocked.

(10.30.2022) frank, roadkill, and pete now have outfits.

(10.27.2022) updated comic pages, sketchbook, character pages, etc.


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